Tuesday, January 5, 2010

MPs expenses iPhone App now available.



MPs expenses iPhone App now available.

January 05, 2010.

A new iPhone application that allows constituents access to their MP’s expenses file has been launched as the General Election campaigning gets underway.

“MP Expenses”, from Satosoft, provides easy access to the information that UK MP’s have tried to cover up for years.

“MPs will be dreading this application which will mean that the information superhighway delivers angry constituents straight to their door. At the touch of a button you can look at your MP’s expenses on your iPhone, which then helps you to send them an email to voice your views. Alternatively, you may find the need to call them on their direct line, also displayed on the iPhone,” said Graham French, founder of Satosoft..

“Six hundred and forty five MPs’ expenses condensed in an easy to read format, and then direct contact to voice your views about how they are spending your hard earned cash -the newspapers have done their job in bringing this subject into the open, but we thought of this application because so many people want to find out more details on their MP but it’s not easy.

“This application means within a couple of minutes you have the knowledge to question them directly about their free spending behaviours with your money on your time.

“We’ve had excellent customer feedback already, customers have found it informative and entertaining,” said French.

“We built it to show people that MPs are more accessible than you would think. You don’t have to write a letter or meet them face-to-face. You can contact them instantly. The favourite feature so far is the ability to email the MPs direct and phone their offices.

iPhone user Penny Searles from Hampshire said: “This is just a great application for my iPhone; some of my friends and I looked at my MP’s expenses and couldn’t believe some of the stuff on there - stuff that my taxes paid for. Within minutes we emailed him from the phone and asked for an explanation, something I wouldn’t have been able to do without some research.”


Satosoft is an independent, innovative, iPhone software producer. If you would like further information on the MP Expenses application or Satosoft, or you would like to schedule an interview, please contact:

Graham F French, Founder, Satosoft

Phone: +44 (0) 7767 79 71 77


Email: graham.french@satosoft.com

Twitter: twitter.com/satosoft

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